So, let's see... Where to begin? How about we let this journal be an unstructured mess of random thoughts. I've been studying, my brain hurts from speaking so much Japanese, and I'm about ready for a day of English only. It sounds really nice actually. I've had a few interesting food encounters. This past week, for example, I had two days in a row to where I had sashimi for dinner. Sashimi, if you don't know, is simply raw fish. Yep, you have a few floppy pieces of raw fish (some with a little, um, red in it), you grab it with your chopsticks, slap it in some soy sauce, and enjoy. Pretty foreign stuff, but I dig it. They also eat raw meat here, which I have yet to try... however, I intend to when I get the chance. Also, the other day I had my first raw egg. Had some pork, dipped it in the bowl of raw egg, and then eat with rice. It was SUPER delicious. The only thing I didn't really enjoy the other day was this giant tub of gelatinous curry flavored, giggly and squishy tofu. I don't like tofu, and I never will. It's in my genes. It's in there deep. I ate a ton of it anyway, haha.
So everyone in the train is always super quiet. However! Yesterday I got to the train station early so that I could try to get a seat on the train. If you don't get to the train early you'll stand for an hour, which isn't always fun. So I sat down, and this old lady sat down next to me. She seemed interested in the Japanese that I was studying, so I started up a conversation. It was great! The whole way home we talked in Japanese. She had to have been the cutest old lady I've ever seen. She looked maybe 65, but she was almost 80. Awesome. She was super nice, and ended every sentence with a nice, long, drawn out "ne~~~~." Haha. She gave me some advice, and we talked about how I can make some more friends in Japan. We talked about how I want to be a teacher in Japan in a couple of years, and she told me that everyone needs English teachers now. Hot.
Well, class is about to start. I'm off. More to come.
- Derek
Hey Derek, Wonderful reading about your adventures. I just read all your entries to the family as we're all out in the office working. Well, some of us are working, some are playing computer games. Despite our improvements, we still call the office "the barn". We're in the middle of a thunderstorm. A minute ago the power went out and 22 devices went down and back up again!
Keep having fun...we'll talk to you soon... Michael, Karen, Isaac, and John.
Yay, Derek! How is awesome is that! That is the cutest little girl in the picture.
So, how do you feel you are coming along in your Japanese classes? How has your adventures in friend making been going?
Did you find a cheap/free internet cafe?
Please keep posting, it brightens my day.
haha! I totally understand language brain freeze! Learning another language totally hurts your brain!! Cool blog!- but you should definitley watch out for the raw stuff... being sick in a foreign country can be pretty awful :) haha! :) Enjoy!
haha oh yeah! I really like that first pic! - awesome!!
Love the story of the old lady! The little girl in the picture is so cute, but she seems oblivious to the fact that she is being led around by a scary looking creature!
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