Well, it looks like Derek might be able to go to an onsen (public bath) after all! Woo hoo! I finally found a classmate who likes them and is going to take me to one if all works out. He's going to give his old host father a call, and we might even have some Japanese company for some good ol' language practice! I'm stoked! I've been wanting to go to one forever. Ok, next week is my last week in Fukuoka. I have big plans. Perhaps tomorrow I'm going to the beach with a Japanese friend. I'm going to a yatai (Fukuoka's famous ramen stands) as well. I plan on going to the most famous one... sweet.

Also, I have two concerts that I'm going to. One is a local jpop/dj concert. It should be cute, and rather cheesy, but even more opportunities to study Japanese, right? And, if you guys don't know, I rather like Japanese noise rock. Noise rock is pretty much a bunch of people up on stage screaming nonsense and banging on stuff. It's not always that unorganized, however I think the concert I'm going to is going to be pretty hardcore. We'll see. Check out Boredoms if you want a taste of Japanese noise rock at it's best.

Well, I bought some cool pants yesterday. They were on sell, and I couldn't resist. I'm going to chill here at the cafe I'm at for a while, study, and then walk around Tenjin so people can enjoy looking at my new pants. More updates to come as I carry out my plans and have various unforgettable adventures!
- Derek
I am so diggin' the girls' outfits! Oh and you do know that they are looking at you because of your nose and not your pants right? Teehee... peas!
Raaar! GROWL! Actually, my 'tall' nose apparently makes me look like a model. Or so I've been told here...
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