Ok, quick update. Not a lot to talk about, but I've been having a great time. I've been hanging out with some Japanese friend a lot lately, and have therefore been able to use a ton of Japanese. Most of them can't speak any English worth mentioning, which is good for me. Great times. It's a little frustrating not being fluent, but I'm getting there. I've been feeling myself improving a lot in the last few weeks, and I feel like I need more time. It's alright though. I'll head back to LSU, try to get my degree, and make my way back here one day. Hopefully I can make some Japanese friends back in Baton Rouge and I'll be able to continue using this super sweet language.
Well, I'm so sad. My bestest pal here in Japan has gone back. Good ol' Don has gone to China for a while, and then he'll be heading back to Canada to work on his schooling. Had some great memories with the dude. Don! You're a great guy! We made some super good memories. I'll have to take a road trip to Canada one of these days and make sure you're behaving yourself, haha.
Well guys, this isn't much of an update, haha. I don't have any good pictures to upload, but I plan on going to a temple and to a beach pretty soon, so I'll load the camera up for you guys. On a side note, I keep seeing more and more of those pink frizzy dress clad girls walking around. They scare me, hardcore. They always have these creepy "I'm staring into your soul and I would eat it if could conjure up my demons in a public place" stare on their face. Wow.
Love and peace! Derek
p.s. Because this post is so lame, I'm adding videos by the Ramens to make you happy. Let's learn about Japanese tradition the fun way!
Wow, I didn't realize you were only staying in Japan for the Summer. I thought you were going to be there for a year or something like that.
That is kind of sad that you have to go back so soon. Was all of this through the Jet program? Can you go to Japan via the Jet program more than once?
Take care desu yo.
Nope, this is personal study during my summer vacation. JET will have to wait until after I graduate. Also, if I stay here for more than a year, I can't join JET. Hm... Back to LSU for Derek! Woo! uso...
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