Monday, June 11, 2007

Dame desu!

More on that picture in a minute. It's old school, and bad. I don't have much to write about. I uploaded a couple of pictures again, but not much to look at. Enjoy if you'd like! I've been sending e-mails trying to find friends. I've received quite a few back! Yatta! I'm meeting four people this week, and I met one last week. Time for language acquisition!
Well, I'll let everyone know how these meetings go. Perhaps they will be good, or perhaps they will be boring. Hopefully they will not be bad. I simply leave you with a n idea of the "facilities" here. They're amazing. Click here for a link of Japanese style toilets. This is the modern kind that is in half of the households. They have heated seats that lift when they sense you're coming, and all sorts of wonderful features. Quite intimidating. Go read about Japanese toilets on Wikipedia if you're really interested. Oh, and I encountered an old school Japanese toilet a couple of days ago. Truly an experience. I actually thought about using it and then I ran away. Besides, there are old cleaning ladies that roam throughout the bathrooms here and they clean in the men's bathroom while you're in there. They'll stand and clean the urinal that's right next to the one that you're using. Wow. Culture shock!

Haha, well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed the picture of the old-style Japanese toilet. ^^;

- Derek


Ryan Smith said...


Derek said...

It's too scary... it might eat me, or destroy me.

Ryan Smith said... say that as if eating you would not also destroy you. Would it not?